Unused time off is a drag

When employees don’t take their PTO, that creates a problem for your books. More days of unused PTO means more of a pay out if they leave your company. Increasing PTO usage across your workforce can lower that liability, while also impacting burnout, turnover, and productivity.
Make your calculation

What’s your company’s current liability?

Make time off work

More time off pays off!

Increasing PTO usage decreases your liability
Slide to change value
2,760 unused
$2,649,600 remaining
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Request a more detailed report of your PTO liability
ways to increase your time off utilization
Dónde case studies
additional benefits of PTO utilization
Request a more detailed report of your PTO liability
ways to increase your time off utilization
Dónde case studies
additional benefits of PTO utilization
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How has Dónde helped with PTO liability?

Consulting Services
Reduction of $528,000 in company’s balance sheet
PTO utilization increased by 20%
$1.2M balance sheet impact after implementing Dónde
PTO utilization increased by 30%
68% of employees reported an improvement in their burnout
Based on a 92% benefit adoption rate
Request Demo
At Lendio, we create memorable life experiences for our employees through Dónde. Our employees love it, and it helps our leadership team attract, retain and recharge the amazing talent we need to succeed and grow.”
mark santiago profile picture
Mark Santiago
Chief People Officer, Lendio
Using PTO and stepping away from work is so incredibly crucial. Everyone needs time to rest and refresh, so they don’t burn out. Nobody is able to do their best work when they are running on fumes.”
Cassandra Margolin profile picture
Cassandra Margolin
Head of People, Jasper
We take time away from work seriously at Traeger, and Dónde has played a meaningful role in helping our employees address the barriers that often stand in the way of an awesome vacation.”
jeremy andrus profile picture
Jeremy Andrus
Traeger Grills
I use Donde in every one of my recruitment calls. It shows them that we’re serious about time off, so they can show up and do the best work of their lives.”
jordan wright profile picture
Jordan Wright
CEO, Atomic Financial
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